Pimp Your Donga
09 June 2015 , Posted by
Amanda Wright
Your on-site accommodation, donga or portacabin is your only personal space on site. This is your zone where you can be yourself – so why not create a place where you can relax as soon as you close the door behind you?
- The nose knows. Put a couple of drops of your favourite aftershave, perfume or essential oil on a cotton ball or tissue and place strategically at the entry door and bathroom door.
- Sounds like a good idea. Roll out your hot tracks, or natural sounds like the sea, rainforest birds or guided meditations. These are great for calming your mind and relaxing into sleep.
- See me, feel me. Buy a 100 percent cotton or silk sheet or double doona cover that you can throw over the existing linen; and a matching pillowcase. That Dockers doona that was banned from the bedroom – now’s your chance! Don’t forget a photo of your family or home, or a poster of your favourite scenery. Go three dimensional – make a statement with your personal ornament or talisman. Remember to make them portable and not too precious. Books, dreamcatchers, gemstones, guitars, flags, silk scarves, spiritual statues, cards, inspirational sayings and battery tea lights might be some of these.
- It’s a matter of good taste. Be sure to stack your fridge with some healthy snacks, go for low salt and low sugar to maintain optimum health. Choose your favourite plunger coffee, herbal tea, filtered water jug, and dental hygiene products such as variety toothpaste, dental floss and mouthwash.
Have fun, be creative and most of all create a touch of paradise to nurture your soul, and make you feel comfortable and relaxed in an environment that is your home away from home.
This is part of a Riskwright program to improve the quality of FIFO work life. If you have an awesome pimped donga idea to share, contact Amanda Wright at Riskwright and be sure to send a photo. www.riskwright.com.au