08 February 2015 , Posted by Ros Fuller


I was talking with FIFO wife, Amy that got me thinking more about the issue of home security and what it means for FIFO workers and their families. While a large pair of boots by the door may be a start, there’s a lot more to it than that.

It is important for our mental health to feel safe and there are many ways we can work towards creating a safe ‘home sweet home’.

Just before we talk about tips, let’s have a quick look at the myth and reality of the chance of break ins. Watching the news and current affair shows, you would be forgiven in thinking that the risks are increasing. Actually, according to the police and The Australian Bureau of Statistics, the numbers have decreased. Of course you still want to create a safe home but it is important to keep it in perspective.

The most important advice from the police is to make sure all doors and windows have locks, and of course to use them! Most break ins are due to unlocked doors and windows. If you are renting, talk to your real estate agent. The home must, by law, be fitted with locks and fire alarms by the landlord.

We have looked before at FIFO life with dogs and of course they can be a wonderful security asset. Watchdogs are best kept inside at night.

Alarm systems are maybe something you want to consider. The price range is huge and goes from DIY numbers to complex monitored systems. Renters may consider a wireless option. If you are thinking about these, ask about deals for FIFO families. Some offer discounts.

For the single FIFO worker that is not sharing a house, there are many people offering house-sitting services, either to live in or call by and check the home for you.

Also recommended is trimming back overgrown trees and shrubs to make sure doors and windows are visible.

There are more details about crime prevention tips from the police including lighting, security screens and meter boxes.

So we can see that there are many ways to reduce the fear of crime and feel confident about the security of your home. However, security can be more than just locks and alarms.

For FIFO families and women at home it can be very empowering to learn some kind of self-defense. It’s a great way to gain skill, confidence and awareness. Most places offer casual pay as go classes for FIFO families.

Getting to know your neighbours is a fantastic way to feel safer at home. Neighbourhood Watch have a great website and you can email them for more free resources. Fancy feeling safer and a sausage sizzle? You can even apply for a Community Grant from them for up to $500 to help set up a neighbourhood event.

“The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.” Maya Angelou