10 Reasons why it’s important to manage critical incidents well

12 June 2014 , Posted by Julie Loveny
Photo by Matthew Lister

Photo by Matthew Lister

Don’t leave critical incidence management to the PR and Communications machine – it’s much more than keeping your company’s name off the front page of the newspaper. It’s about walking your company’s talk and role modelling the values and ethics you expect people to live and behave as in your workplace.


1. Companies can SAY they care about employees but critical incidents DEMONSTRATE whether this claim is true or not. Actions speak louder than words and they can affect both existing workers and those considering employment with your company.


2. Witnessing or being close to a critical incident on site is traumatic for others. When it is well managed and managers know what to do to “contain” the crisis, it makes workers feel safe. This is one of the most valuable things you can do to PROTECT OTHERS and MINIMISE THE IMPACT of the incident.


3. When employees witness a critical incident being managed well, it STRENGTHENS workers’ COMMITMENT to the company and their work, they are MORE PRODUCTIVE and happier in their work. They will go the extra mile to contribute to a company that they know will support them, should they ever need it.


4. It MODELS what is expected of employees. This is how we treat people in this company and how we expect employees to behave too.


5. It builds a STRONG SENSE of TEAMWORK, that workers have a responsibility to each other, just as the company has a responsibility to each of them.


6. It decreases the likelihood of legal action so LESSENS THE RISK to the company.


7. It guarantees managers SLEEP WELL knowing the situation was managed well. When critical incidents are not managed well, people can be left traumatised and distressed. The impact of this is serious.


8. A return to work and normal routines is likely to happen more quickly and without leaving workers feeling dissatisfied, resentful and distracted by what’s happened.


9. Critical Incidents are an OPPORTUNITY FOR IMPROVEMENT. Procedures can be fine tuned from the lessons they offer.


10. Fear about not knowing what to do is a big barrier to managing critical incidents well. TRAINING and PRACTICE prepares people and builds their confidence that they do know what to do and can deal with a crisis. This is especially the case when the crisis involves people who are traumatised (for example, following a death, a serious accident or a natural disaster).