12 ways to keep in touch with your kids

07 November 2014 , Posted by Sue Crock

Maintaining and building relationships with your kids at any age but particularly when they are little is very important. A FIFO life brings with it extra challenges because of the tyranny of distance. However get creative and be consistent and you will be able to have quality and fun times whether you are face to face or far away. Don’t leave it to off roster at home times only you may miss some important milestones and life stages.



  1. Agree to a time to talk, even if it’s short, and stick to it
  2. SMS if you can
  3. Ask them how their day was
  4. Tell them you love them
  5. Ask them how kindie, playgroup or school is going and what they’re doing
  6. Ask them to tell you a joke or story
  7. Ask them to sing a song or nursery rhyme for you
  8. Write an email or a letter
  9. Tell your kids why you miss them
  10. Tell them the best thing that happened to you today
  11. Plan what you will do together when you’re home and stick to it
  12. Make sure you leave gifts and surprises for special occasions when you aren’t going to be 
there. So plan ahead.


Have you tried some of these things or do you have some other tips for how to stay connected with your kids? Share with us on our Facebook or Twitter pages.