How to avoid taking each other for granted

06 February 2014 , Posted by Sue Crock

When we’re a couple we can easily slip into that good old habit of taking each other for granted. We lead full lives with things that need to be done together but also alone. This includes work, study, clubs and hobbies we belong to and any different interests that mean we have time apart.



If one of us is working FIFO taking each other for granted can be heightened because of the old ‘out of sight out of mind’ human habit.



For some however, there can be benefits of regular time apart which has the potential to make time together special. It can make you appreciate each other more! For this to happen you need to maybe create some rituals which mark those times. Celebrate when the person comes home even in the smallest way and have some ‘catch up’ time. Find ways that work for you of staying in touch and feeling connected to your significant others.



If both partners are working FIFO and are on the same swing, then the habit of taking each other for granted can creep in more easily.



How do we avoid this? It is one of the most common reasons couples seek help. It’s also something a good counsellor will talk with us about: how we look after our relationship.



This article gives some simple (but that doesn’t mean easy!) things all couples can do that will avoid the tendency to take each other for granted.



That helps both people get what they want: a good relationship, so isn’t it worth it?



A good book on this subject is:
Making Marriage Simple: 10 Truths for Changing the Relationship You Have into the One You Want by Harville Hendrix and Helen LaKelly Hunt (2013)