Earth’s Neighbourhood Sunset Party Soon!

15 February 2015 , Posted by Carol Redford
Image: Carol Redford

Image: Carol Redford

Just after sunset on Saturday 21st February, three of Earth’s nearest neighbours will appear near each other on the western horizon.


The crescent Moon will be two days old and will appear as a slim crescent low on the western horizon.


To the left of the crescent Moon will be bright, star-like Venus. Look closely and you’ll see red coloured Mars to the right of Venus. You can easily see which one is brighter than the other, it’s Venus.


It should be dark enough by about 7.15pm to see the beautiful trio.


When you’re gazing at Earth’s nearest neighbours, think about the space missions that have been exploring these worlds recently.


The European Space Agency’s Venus Express spacecraft orbited Venus for eight years. The mission conducted a study of the atmosphere and the planet itself. In November last year the spacecraft exhausted its propellant and lost altitude and then contact.


NASA’s Curiosity spacecraft has been roving Mars since 6 August 2012. One of the most important discoveries made is that Mars could have the right chemistry to have supported living microorganisms.


NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter arrived at the Moon in June 2009 and has been busy mapping and studying our natural satellite.




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For more information contact Carol (aka “Galaxy Girl”): 0427 554 035 or