Eating healthy
There is no doubt that long swings, twelve-hour shifts, long hours sitting in front of computer terminals or driving machinery, as much as you can eat and drink laid out free all day every day in the mess halls, disturbed sleep patterns from shift work and feeling too tired or that there is no time to exercise make it difficult for FIFO workers to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle. However, there are some things you can do to lessen the load and stay fit and healthy.
Ways to stay fit and healthy
- Eat a balanced diet with foods from a variety of food groups and everything in moderation is recommended
- Don’t skip Breakfast- A healthy breakfast will give you energy right through until lunch and means you will be less likely to want to snack on sweet foods.
- Eat less- but Eat three meals a day and snack on fruit between meals rather than biscuits and cake and you’ll feel lighter and healthier and will have more energy throughout the day or night.
- Limit your alcohol intake
- Exercise more Stop
- smoking- If you can’t do it on your own get help
With such a large selection of food available at the mess hall and cheap grog at the wet mess it becomes easy to fall into poor eating and drinking habits. As far as the mess goes, don’t be tempted to have a bit of everything on offer, rather decide on a moderate sized meal each day and mix it up a bit so you keep things interesting. A balanced diet with foods from a variety of food groups and everything in moderation is recommended. As far as fluids go, water is best as it has no calories, it reduces hunger pangs, boosts energy and curbs fatigue. Drinking plenty of water (not Coke or similar) particularly after exercise (which can make you hungry) will also help make you feel full and reduce your appetite at meal times. Caffeine and energy drinks are OK from time to time but should be kept to a minimum.