Financial Stress – The Good and The Bad

15 November 2014 , Posted by Sue Crock

Financial Stress


Kim lay awake in his donga. Hed just got off the phone to his missus. It was late and shed been at him again about money.


What the bloody hell am I going to do?he thought. He was earning big bucks and still they were in huge debt and short of cash. He tossed and turned


She was the one who wanted the flash house and the pool. She was the one saying she couldnt cope without all the latest stuff in the house. What had he bought himself? A ute. He could sell that, but why should he?


When he woke up he felt tired and pissed off. He got ready for the day and headed to the dry mess, with the slog of another day in the pit ahead.



Ever felt overwhelmed by your financial situation and that it was out of your control? Like Kim, you’re not alone. Financial worry eats away at our health and our relationships. How?



When our brains sense danger, they go into flight-fight mode. Hormones rush through our bodies, increasing our heart rate and blood pressure.



When this stress is long term, our risk of heart attack, diabetes hair loss and depression increases significantly.



This bad news doesn’t help! But the good news is that taking action will improve the situation and release our stress. There are places we can get help with this: