Where to Find Out More About ANXIETY
The dictionary describes ‘anxiety’ as:
A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome or a strong desire or concern to do something or for something to happen.
Anxiety is the most common form of mental health problem in Australia. 1 in 6 of us is affected every year.
Being worried sometimes is not a problem. It’s human! But persistent worry that goes on for months or years is different. You may feel intense worry, have panic attacks, or feel fearful. You may have physical symptoms such as a pounding heart, difficulty breathing, upset stomach, muscle tension, sweating, choking or feeling faint and shaky.
If you do, this will have a big impact on your life. Yet many of us with anxiety do not seek help, even though it is treatable and we have many choices about how we get help for anxiety.
Here are some reliable Australian sites:
For iPad and iPhone to help those of us with anxiety. It provides essential information as well as advice on how to manage symptoms from people who have ‘been there’ who share the techniques they’ve found that work. The app uses video, quizzes to test progress and an optional Daily Tip sent directly to your device.
Available from the iTunes App Store.
- Information and support at Anxiety Online.
- Information and many online resources on anxiety and stress at Mind Health Connect.
- Online support and counselling at eCouch.
- Interactive self-help service that promotes resilience and well being for Australians at My Compass.
Watch others talk about their anxiety:
Sebastien Foucan, the founder of freerunning, talks about our relationship with fear:
Rocket scientist, Olympia LePoint talks about reprogramming your brain to overcome fear:
Summer Beretsky talks about her experiences of panic attacks and anxiety:
Solome Tibebu talks about her anxiety when she was 16 years old
Australian researcher Jee Hyun KIm talks about her work on living without fear: