How much worry is too much?

07 September 2014 , Posted by Sue Crock

It is normal to feel stressed and anxious at times. Who doesn’t have an uncomfortable feeling, an element of fear or even panic when that deadline needs to be met?  Let’s face it a good dose of stress and anxiety can help get the job done! Oh the relief when its is over and you can relax again.


But what if your chest still feels tight, your heart races, the hot and cold sweats hang around and the worrying just won’t go away and even snowballs? Maybe you are feeling afraid all the time, yet not knowing what you are afraid of. A month or more has passed and this ‘anxious’ voice chattering away in your head has taken up residence. You know the one.



So if your worries are really getting you down and you just can’t get them under control, then it  could be you are suffering with anxiety. It’s common. Get the facts at beyondblue.


There’s much you can do. If you want to work through a  programme on line with lots of helpful information and tools then check this out. CCI is a WA Government website.


A good start is to talk to someone you trust, a family member or friend. Your GP is also important if you are really struggling. Anxiety weighs heavy so lighten the load. Pick up the phone and call someone now.