Missing Christmas and other special events

01 December 2014 , Posted by Julie Loveny

Narelle describes in this interview the first FIFO Christmas she experienced away from her son and family.

Missing out on special family events and celebrations is one of the biggest challenges for FIFO families.

Narelle says it has become easier over the years because she has made many close friends on site. Your work mates do often become your ‘family away from home’. And that’s important especially when you are missing your partner and kids and feeling home sick. If you are new to this or struggling do find some support and talk about it.


A lot of the people on-site are probably in the same boat as you. Have a chat to them and find ways to make your own celebration at work. Or share how you feel about missing these special events.


There are many ways that families re-create and double up on celebrations to make sure no one misses out.


It can be very tough for those back at home. Nicole Ashby started a business in 2010 called FIFO Families because she knows just what its like to be a FIFO wife and mother. So if you feel alone or want to link with others who understand, then FIFO families have regular social network groups across Australia and special events at times like Christmas, Easter and Mother’s Day.