How Much Sleep Do You Need?

18 December 2014 , Posted by Julie Loveny
Photo by Matthew Lister

Photo by Matthew Lister


Are you feeling tired and worn out? Those long shifts and short nights can really take their toll, especially if you split your rosters between day and night shifts. If you are a partner at home and managing kids, perhaps juggling a job too or maybe have a child who wakes frequently in the night, then you will no doubt be exhausted too!


So here are a few facts to consider:



How do you know if you are sleep deprived apart from being grumpy and irritable?
Some indicators could be that you:



If you think fatigue is an issue for you, talk to someone who can help e.g. EAP, GP or someone on site as many companies do provide information and support to manage fatigue.


More information about sleep can be found here.


Have you had challenges sleeping? What do you find helps you avoid feeling tired and drowsy?