Regional Living Instead of FIFO: The Decision

14 September 2020 , Posted by Ellie Samuels & Julie Loveny

For many FIFO workers living in the near by town has been offered for them and their family. I have spoken to a woman that has moved her family to a remote/regional town with a population of around 762 people. The town 45 minutes away from her partners mine site.


The decision to move to a remote town away from all of your family, friends and supports is a very challenging decision. Jane* spoke of how long it took her and her partner John* to decide to move, she said, “Moving remote was a very long and hard decision but at the end of the day being together as a family was an easy one”. The main priority for her young family was to be able to be together every night, luckily enough they were in the position to do so. Jane realises that for many families this is not an option due to many different reasons, she feels privileged that she and her family had the opportunity.


“The benefits of being a family every day was so much better than being a family every 2 weeks. It was so much better for us and our child” – Jane


For many families moving to a remote/regional town would be a very big disturbance, having children already in school, the support of grandparents and other relatives or having part-time or full-time employment. These are all just some of the things a family would need to consider before moving to a regional/remote town.


Tips on how to make a major decision:


– Have a clear vision/idea of what you want.


– Create a list of the benefits of moving: All of the reasons you feel the decision to move is the right one. For example, seeing your partner very night, more RnR for your partner by cutting out the travel time etc.


– Create a list of the negatives of moving: This should include all of the things you are going to find challenging about moving. For example, the children moving schools, leaving your current work place etc.


– Discuss with close family and friends.


– Understand that ultimately the decision is between you and your partner so discuss openly how you both feel it may or may not work.


For more information about Jane and her families experience read next weeks article “Regional Living Instead of FIFO: an Experience”



*Name changed for confidentiality.