Self-care when the going gets tough!

23 April 2018 , Posted by Ellie Samuels and Julie Loveny

We all go through a rough patch every now and then and usually, it is during these low times that we find it hardest to look after ourselves. Where do I begin to start looking after my emotional wellbeing? Many people will ask themselves as it is not something that comes naturally to most of us. We are constantly putting our loved ones first or just don’t know how to look after ourselves.


One way you can start thinking about how to look after yourself when times are tough is to create a self-care plan. A self-care plan is made up by you for you, in this plan you include how you are going to keep:


Creating a self-care plan is a good way to feel a sense of control and knowing how you are going to look after yourself is essential. Check out Reach Out for their advice on creating a self-care plan including an excellent template you can use.