Sexual Orientation and Gender

28 November 2014 , Posted by Sue Crock

Gender and Sexual Orientation



Boy or Girl? We used to think it was that simple.



Now we know it’s not. Feeling like a boy or girl is something we LEARN, not simply something we are born to be.



Our behaviours show us that it’s not that simple: girls who are “Tomboys”, boys who like dressing in girls’ clothes, girls who prefer boys’ clothes, boys who show feminine traits.



For people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual and others (LGBTQIA+) the challenge of being accepted is huge. The misunderstanding and discrimination they face can be overwhelming and the incidence of suicide is much higher in this community than in the wider community.



Sexual orientation: Who you go to bed WITH



Gender identity: Who you go to bed AS



You may have a child/ adolescent who is struggling with their identity. Don’t panic – listen and observe how they are going. Seek help and advice.



You may also experience people who are different to you on site. That’s OK it takes all of us to make a world that’s fabulous to live in. Of most importance is that you deal with your own feelings and responses to people who are different. Get to know them and you’ll find you actually have lots in common (we all have families, dreams and aspirations) and only some things are different (who we choose to relate to).



If you have a different sexual orientation or gender identity and are being bullied or treated badly on site – speak up to management. This is not allowed and they must deal with it.




Living Proud WA      

Support for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual people (LGBTQIA+)

Contact by phone on 08 9420 7201 or visit their website



Q Life

Free counseling for LGBTQIA+

Free call on 1800 184 527 (5.30pm – 10.30pm daily) or visit their website





Fashion model Geena Rocero talks about being assigned a boy at birth but always feeling she was a girl.

Check out Geena’s video talk on TED.



Dr Norman Spack helps transgender teens become who they want to be.

Check out Norman’s video talk on TED.





Pride starring Bill Nighty and Imelda Staunton about UK gay activists work to help miners during their lengthy strike of National Union of Mine Workers in the summer of 1984.