How stargazing can inspire the mind!
Turn out the lights and check out the stars…
Western Australians are very lucky indeed! Perth is the most isolated capital city in the world which means you don’t have to travel very far from the bright city lights to find fantastic dark night skies with stunning stargazing.
In fact, if you live or work in regional WA, you’re in the perfect place for stargazing!
Our place on Earth is home to some of the darkest night skies in the world and is the envy of astronomers and stargazers in Europe, America and Asia.
In some cities of the world, it’s impossible to see one star, let alone the millions that we can see from Western Australia.
The other advantage that Western Australia has is that we’re located in the Southern Hemisphere. It is in this hemisphere that the best views of the Milky Way Galaxy are found. We can see the stunning Magellanic Clouds, the Jewel Box cluster of stars, Omega Centauri globular cluster of stars and of course the Southern Cross and the famous Aboriginal astronomical object of the “Emu in the Sky”.
I can’t imagine living my life and not ever seeing the beautiful Milky Way Galaxy. It stretches across our night sky and is something that everyone should experience at least once in their life. Stargazing is great for the soul, inspires the mind and is so much fun with friends and family.
The truth be known, once you’ve seen the millions of Milky Way stars, stargazing becomes addictive! It’s easy to stimulate your mind by learning about astronomy.
When you start to know more about the night sky, it’s easy to impress family and friends! You can even have a stargazing evening at your place and invite friends, family and neighbours to join in.
Remember, when you head outside to stargaze, turn out all your lights, TV’s, computers and those mobile phones. They all emit white light and destroy your ability to see the stars in all their glory!
Share your experience with family, friends and neighbours. Join Stargazers Club to learn more and attend club stargazing nights. Commit to stargazing at least once a month, enrol in a course on astronomy or read more books on the topic to expand your horizons.
Do you want to discover more about stargazing from your own backyard or from a remote site in Western Australia?
Join “Galaxy Girl” at Stargazers Club and together we’ll discover the stars, find out what to see and where to look. All from your own backyard. You don’t even need a telescope or any astronomy knowledge. It’s fun, easy-to-understand.
Ideal for beginner stargazers and junior astronomers of all ages (adults and children 10yrs+). Annual members meet several times a year for free stargazing nights and special telescope classes.
Join at For more information contact Carol (aka “Galaxy Girl”): 0427 554 035 or