Starting a Family: FIFO

14 September 2020 , Posted by Ellie Samuels & Julie Loveny


“One of the main benefits of being FIFO while starting our family was that when we had our son my partner was able to take two weeks off which equaled a month off (2/1 roster)” – Jane*


Jane discussed that “Another major benefit of starting a family while FIFO was that we had enough money so I could take 18 months off”. Having children is normally a large financial strain on a family and adds to the stress of being a new family.   Being able to be financially stable and not having any financial stress was a very big advantage for starting a FIFO family.


What is challenging about being a new family while living the FIFO life? Jane found that Airport runs and her partner not being home every day were the most challenging aspects of starting a family whilst FIFO. Jane’s partner missing those first events as a family such as Christmas, Easter or baby’s firsts (steps, smile, word etc) was very challenging for the both of them.


Jane’s top tip of being a new FIFO family is organisation! Being organised allows them to spend more quality time together as a family. As Jane’s partner likes to do a lot of jobs when he is home so that she doesn’t have to do them such as chopping the fire wood, lawns mowing ect having everything else done and organised allows them to have a lot more down time.


Why FIFO? Like many others Jane and her partner are living the FIFO life to prepare for the future so we can stop it and not have a lot of financial constraints. Jane foresees that they will either stop the FIFO life soon now that they have been doing it as a family for 4 years or they will move remote again for her partner to be able to come home every night.


*Name changed for confidentiality.