Take a deep breath!
20 August 2014 , Posted by
Sue Crock
Over worked, under slept and feeling the load? Long hours, long swings and R & R too short? Too much time on your own with the kids, juggling work, family and the home?
Have you noticed how rapid and shallow your breathing becomes when you are under the pump?
It might sound crazy, but focusing on your breathing really does help relieve stress and reduces the heart rate and blood pressure.
It clears the mind of ‘monkey chatter’, brings your focus of attention back to the present moment, encourages mindfulness and creates a sense of calm.
There are many different techniques but here’s one to try:
- Lie down or sit on a chair and place one hand on your chest and one on your tummy.
- Take a deep breath in through your nose and feel your diaphragm (tummy) expand like a balloon and a stretch in your lungs (not too much as your chest needs to stay flat).
- Take long, slow breaths in and out. This should feel comfortable at all times.
- Do this for 6 to 10 breaths and visualise the air going in and out.
- Put aside time to do this each day until it becomes a habit!
Try this before a stressful event and before you go to sleep too and stick with it.