The Bigger Picture for Workplace Safety

31 August 2015 , Posted by Sonic Health Plus & This FIFO Life

Image Source: Sonic Health Plus


While physical safety should never be discounted or detracted from, it should be seen as part of a bigger picture alongside emotional and mental safety.


By thinking of safety in a more holistic way, not only will you protect your team against a greater spectrum of hazards and risks, but you’ll also create a more positive, innovative and creative work environment.


To see if you’re contributing to a physically, emotionally and mentally safe workplace, ask yourself how well you can relate to these statements.



PROTECT: you’re able to identify a risk or hazard and can take the appropriate action to protect yourself and others from it by ensuring its removal or minimisation.

KEEP WELL: you take your own and other people’s physical wellbeing into consideration, practice good hygiene, get regular exercise and eat a balanced diet.

PRACTICE: you’re aware of your workplace health and safety policies and programs, putting them into action each day.

EDUCATE: you take it upon yourself to keep up-to-date with the latest workplace health and safety standards, support networks and resources available to help keep you and your team happy, healthy, safe and productive!



RESPECT: you treat new ideas and concepts with respect, providing them with the time and consideration they deserve.

CREATE: you foster creative thinking and innovation, always looking for new and better ways to achieve your goals.

MANAGE: you can think and feel objectively and rationally, can understand and control your own thoughts.

DECIDE: you’re able to make decisions collaboratively and productively, taking into consideration a wide range of influences and feeling comfortable with your final choice.



SELF-REGULATE: you’re able to regulate your own moods, exercise restraint and express feelings with control.

EMPATHISE: you’re a compassionate person and have the ability to connect with those around you. Generally great at customer service and problem solving.

PEOPLE SKILLS: you’re able to build rapport and trust quickly with others, avoiding power struggles and backstabbing.

SELF-AWARE: you have a healthy sense of self-awareness such as being able to understand your own strengths, weaknesses and impacts your actions have on others.

MOTIVATE: you’re self-motivated, resilient and optimistic when you encounter disappointment and are driven by inner ambition not just external rewards.


DOWNLOAD: The Bigger Picture Poster

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