Separation and Divorce and the facts

20 August 2014 , Posted by Sue Crock

Nationally, approximately one in three marriages end in divorce, but interestingly figures have been reducing slightly since a peak number in 2001. Most who separate do so after 10 years of marriage or less and women are more likely to initiate divorce than men.


There is a perception that the relationship breakdown rate is higher amongst miners and FIFO workers. Research to date is limited and provides no solid evidence for this and some research in fact suggests the opposite.


However, there is no doubt that the FIFO lifestyle can put a strain on relationships and escalate problems if they already exist. Its important to seek help if things aren’t working. With two willing partners and commitment, growing your relationship is perfectly possible whilst doing FIFO. Some say their relationship has buckled under the strain of FIFO, but many also say their marriage has worked well because of FIFO. It really depends on the needs of each person and the approach and mindset regarding FIFO. Do find a good counsellor to talk issues through before making a final decision if at all possible.


However if you need information about separating or divorce then check out the legal aid website and their resources called when separating. Here you will find videos and resources that will support you and your children on topics such as parenting, family and domestic violence, conflict and communication, making plans and agreements, finances and property as well as information about support agencies.


If matters are very difficult you may think that a lawyer is the only way to go. In fact most people settle out of court along the way and if you find out all you can and get good information you may not need a lawyer at all. There are other ways to try and resolve matters such as mediation too. Check out  where in our Take 5 for Mental Health Directory.